
Don’t Get Burned by Grill Fires

Grill fires are one of the most common incidents associated with outdoor grilling. While grilling is generally a safe activity when proper precautions are taken, accidents can still occur, sometimes leading to grill fires. Understanding the causes, prevention measures, and appropriate response to grill fires are essential for ensuring your safety and protecting your property.

Causes of Grill Fires

 Grill fires can be caused by various factors, including:

  1. Grease Buildup: Over time, grease and fat residue can accumulate in the grill from use, particularly in the drip pan, trays, or bottom of the grill. If not regularly cleaned, this buildup can ignite and cause a fire.
  2. Flare-Ups: Flare-ups occur when fat or marinades drip onto the flames, causing sudden bursts of intense heat. If left unattended, these flare-ups can ignite surrounding objects or cause burns to the person operating the grill.
  3. Gas Leaks: Gas grills pose the risk of gas leaks, which can lead to fires or explosions. Leaks may occur due to damaged hoses, loose connections, or faulty regulators.
  4. Improper Use of Starter Fluid: When using charcoal grills, improper use of starter fluid can result in flare-ups and uncontrollable fires. Using too much fluid, or attempting to add more after the fire has already started, can be dangerous.

Preventing Grill Fires

Prevention is key to avoiding grill fires. Here are some important preventive measures to follow:

  1. Regular Cleaning: Clean your grill regularly and remove grease, fat, and debris from all parts of the grill.
  2. Safe Location: There should be at least a 10 foot radius around your grill that’s free from flammable objects, including trees and structures. Only grill in well ventilated areas.
  3. Safe Ignition: Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for igniting your grill safely. Avoid using excessive amounts of starter fluid or other accelerants.
  4. Gas Grill Safety: Inspect gas connections regularly for leaks. A simple way to do this is to apply a soapy water solution to the connections and look for bubbles, which indicate a gas leak. If a leak is detected, immediately turn off the gas supply and have the grill serviced by a professional.
  5. Supervision: An adult should always be watching the grill and monitoring for safety hazards.

Responding to a Grill Fire

Even when steps are taken to prevent them, grill fires can still occur. If a grill fire does occur, act fast. Prevent the spread of fire with these tips:

  1. Safety First: Keep a fire extinguisher nearby and know how to use it. Move anyone in the area further away from the grill.
  2. Cut off Oxygen: If it is safe to do so, close the grill’s lid to cut off the oxygen supply and smother the flames. This can help control the fire.
  3. Disconnect Power or Fuel: For gas grills, turn off the gas supply at the source. For charcoal grills, carefully remove the fuel source and move it away from the fire.
  4. Do Not Use Water: Water can cause grease to splatter or spread the fire, making the situation worse.
  5. Call Emergency Services: Do not attempt to fight a large fire on your own.

Take control of the problem before it starts with regular maintenance, supervision and safe use of grills, both charcoal and gas. This is the key to grilling success. If a fire should start, remaining calm and taking quick action increases your odds of getting the BBQ back on track.